What is this newsletter?

The TL;DR for Waterloo Region. Your weekly list of what to do - events, music, food and more.

Newsletter delivered on Monday mornings, except for holiday Mondays.

Want to submit an event? Easy, just tag us or email alexkinsella at outlook dot com and we’ll add it.

What types of events can be featured? Any event that takes place in Waterloo Region.

What are the costs to list an event? Zero. This newsletter is free.

What’s the deadline to submit? We appreciate by 5pm on Fridays, but if the coffee is hitting, we’ve been known to add things at 7:55am on Mondays.

What does TL;WR mean? It’s a riff on TL;DR — “Too long, didn’t read”.

Subscribe to TL;WR

The TL;DR for Waterloo Region – a weekly rundown of art, music, culture and more across Waterloo Region. ✉️


The TL;DR for Waterloo Region. Your weekly list of what to do - events, music, food and more. Newsletter delivered on Monday mornings, except for holiday Mondays.